AC/DC преобразователь: На DIN рейку; Выход 24В/20А; Вход: 0...0VAC / 21...28VDC; -20...70°C
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Размер 55×125×100 мм
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Аналоги 3

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P- DRDN40-24 (MW)
в коробках 20 шт
F~ DRDN20-24 (MW)
1 шт
1 шт

Файлы 2

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DR-RDN20 20A Power Supply Redundancy Module User’s Manual ■ Features : Suitable for redundant operation of 24V system Installed on DIN Rail TS35 / 7.5 or 15 Relay contact signal output and LED indicator for input failure alarm Cooling by free air convection 3 years warranty SPECIFICATION AS/NZS62368-1 TPTC004 MODEL UL508 DR-RDN20 OUTPUT INPUT FUNCTION ENVIRONMENT REVERSE VOLTAGE (max.) 30V OUTPUT CURRENT (max.) 20A VOLTAGE DROP 0.6V LED INDICATORS Two green LEDs indicating each input is "OK or fail" INPUT VOLTAGE RANGE 21 ~ 28V NUMBER OF INPUTS Two INPUT CURRENT (max.) 20A per input INPUT VOLTAGE ALARM When input is > 20V(±5%) or < 30V(±5%) relay contacts RELAY CONTACT RATING (max.) 30VDC, 1A WORKING TEMP. -40 ~ +70℃ WORKING HUMIDITY 20 ~ 90% RH non condensing STORAGE TEMP., HUMIDITY -40 ~ +85℃, 10 ~ 95% RH VIBRATION 10 ~ 500Hz, 2G 10min./1cycle, period for 60min. each along X, Y, Z axes ; Mouning: Compliance to IEC60068-2-6 SAFETY STANDARDS UL508, AS/NZS 62368.1, EAC TP TC 004 approved SAFETY & WITHSTAND VOLTAGE ISOLATION RESISTANCE EMC (Note 2) EMC EMISSION Terminal-Chassis :>100M Ohms / 500VDC / 25℃/ 70% RH Compliance to EN55032 (CISPR32) Class B, EN61000-3-2,-3, EAC TP TC 020 Compliance to EN61000-4-2,3,4,5,6,8,11, heavy industry level, criteria A, EAC TP TC 020 996.8Khrs min. MIL-HDBK-217F (25℃) 55.5*125.2*100mm (W*H*D) 0.5Kg; 20pcs/11Kg/1.49CUFT EMC IMMUNITY MTBF DIMENSION OTHERS Terminal-Chassis :0.5KVAC, Relay Contacts-Terminal :0.5KVAC PACKING 1. All parameters NOT specially mentioned are measured at 24VDC input, rated load and 25℃ of ambient temperature. 2. The power supply is considered a component which will be installed into a final equipment. All the EMC tests are been executed by mounting the unit on a 360mm*360mm metal plate with 1mm of thickness. The final equipment must be re-confirmed that it still meets EMC directives. For guidance on how to perform these EMC tests, please refer to “EMI testing of component power supplies.” (as available on http://www.meanwell.com) 3. The ambient temperature derating of 3.5℃/1000m with fanless models and of 5℃/1000m with fan models for operating altitude higher than 2000m(6500ft). ※ Product Liability Disclaimer:For detailed information, please refer to https://www.meanwell.com/serviceDisclaimer.aspx NOTE Typical Application Notes 1. 1+1 Redundancy Using 1 more PSU as the redundant unit PSU 2. 1+N Redundancy: Using more PSUs as the redundant units to increase the reliability PSU PSU PSU PSU PSU PSU PSU .............. Vin A Vin B DR-RDN20 Vin A Vin B DR-RDN20 Vout Vout Vin A Vin B DR-RDN20 DR-RDN20 Vout Vout Load Load 3. Single Use: Connecting only one PSU to one DR-RDN20 to reduce the stress of the diodes and hence increase the reliability PSU Vin A PSU Vin B Vin A Vin B DR-RDN20 Vout DR-RDN20 Vout Load File Name:DR-RDN20-SPEC 2021-09-15 PDF
Документация на DR-RDN20 


Дата модификации: 15.09.2021

Размер: 97.1 Кб

2 стр.

DR-RDN20 20A Power Supply Redundancy Module Features : Suitable for redundant operation of 24V system Installed on DIN Rail TS35 / 7.5 or 15 Relay contact signal output and LED indicator for input failure alarm Cooling by free air convection 3 years warranty SPECIFICATION MODEL DR-RDN20 REVERSE VOLTAGE (max.) Two green LEDs indicating each input is "OK or fail" INPUT VOLTAGE RANGE 21 ~ 28V NUMBER OF INPUTS Two INPUT CURRENT (max.) FUNCTION 0.5V LED INDICATORS INPUT 20A VOLTAGE DROP OUTPUT 30V OUTPUT CURRENT (max.) 20A per input INPUT VOLTAGE ALARM When input is > 20V( 5%) or < 30V( 5%) relay contacts RELAY CONTACT RATING (max.) 30VDC, 1A WORKING TEMP. ENVIRONMENT -20 ~ +70 WORKING HUMIDITY 20 ~ 90% RH non condensing STORAGE TEMP., HUMIDITY -40 ~ +85 , 10 ~ 95% RH 10 ~ 500Hz, 2G 10min./1cycle, period for 60min. each along X, Y, Z axes ; Mouning: Compliance to IEC60068-2-6 VIBRATION Terminal-Chassis :0.5KVAC, Relay Contacts-Terminal :0.5KVAC WITHSTAND VOLTAGE Terminal-Chassis :>100M Ohms/500VDC 25 70%RH SAFETY & ISOLATION RESISTANCE EMI CONDUCTION & RADIATION Compliance to EN55022 (CISPR22) Class B EMC EMS IMMUNITY MTBF OTHERS Compliance to EN61000-4-2,3,4,5,6,8, ENV50204, Heavy industry level, criteria A 996.8Khrs min. MIL-HDBK-217F (25 ) 55.5*125.2*100mm (W*H*D) 0.5Kg; 20pcs/11Kg/1.1CUFT DIMENSION PACKING 1. All parameters NOT specially mentioned are measured at 24VDC input, rated load and 25 NOTE of ambient temperature. Typical Application Notes 2. 1+N Redundancy: Using more PSUs as the redundant units to increase the reliability 1. 1+1 Redundancy Using 1 more PSU as the redundant unit PSU PSU PSU PSU PSU PSU PSU PSU .............. Vin A Vin B DR-RDN20 Vin A Vin B DR-RDN20 Vout Vout Vin A Vin B DR-RDN20 DR-RDN20 Vout Vout Load Load 3. Single Use: Connecting only one PSU to one DR-RDN20 to reduce the stress of the diodes and hence increase the reliability PSU Vin A PSU Vin B Vin A Vin B DR-RDN20 Vout DR-RDN20 Vout Load File Name:DR-RDN20-SPEC 2007-02-05 PDF
Документация DR-RDN20 


Дата модификации: 13.03.2007

Размер: 293.5 Кб

2 стр.

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