ADC Voltage Reference Buffer Optimization Reference Design for High Performance DAQ Systems

1 января 2018

Texas Instrumentsопорное решениеинтегральные микросхемыисточники питаниясредства разработки и материалы

The TIDA-01055 reference design for high performance DAQ Systems optimizes the ADC reference buffer to improve SNR performance and reduce power consumption with the TI OPA837 high-speed op amp. This device is used in a composite buffer configuration and provides a 22% power improvement over traditional op amps. Voltage reference sources with an integrated buffer often lack the drive strength required to achieve optimal performance in a high-channel count systems. This reference design is capable of driving several ADCs, and achieves a system ENOB of 15.77 bits using an 18-bit, 2-MSPS SAR ADC.


Two stage buffer design for reducing noise generated from voltage reference Implements new low power reference driver with the slew rate capability to drive a 2MSPS SAR ADC


Наши информационные каналы

TIDA-01055 (TI)