4-Axis CNC Router with 250 kHz Control Loop with PRU-ICSS based on SORTE Reference Design

1 января 2018

Texas Instrumentsопорное решениеинтегральные микросхемысредства разработки и материалы

The TIDEP0061 reference design implements an application example of an 4-axis CNC router with 250 kHz control loop based on the Simple Open Real-Time Ethernet (SORTE) protocol with the Programmable Real-time Unit and Industrial Communication SubSystem (PRU-ICSS). SORTE enables customer applications to exchange process data between the master and devices in a 4 µs cycle time. The design contains open source PRU firmware to enable customer to differentiate their products.


4-axis CNC router application example driving stepper motors Based on SORTE protocol Enables 4 µs cycle time to exchange process data PRU firmware provided in source code Fully customizable PRU firmware


Наши информационные каналы

TIDEP0061 (TI)