Серия элементов питания 2CR5

Общие характеристики

Раздел Элементы и батареи питания
Тип элемента питания
Химический состав
Номинальное напряжение
Номинальная ёмкость
Стандартный ток разряда
Продолжительный ток разряда (макс)
Импульсный ток разряда (макс)
Внутреннее сопротивление
Размер 34×17×45 мм
Рабочая температура

Документация на серию 2CR5

E E MB BATTERY 2CR5 Brief Datasheet Lithium Manganese Dioxide Battery 1 BASIC SPECIFICATION (Typical values relative to cells stored for one year or less at + 30 C max.) 1 1300mAh Nominal voltage 6.0V Standard discharge current 10mA Maximum continuous current 1000mA 3000mA Operating temperature range * 3 17.0Max Maximum pulse current * 2 45.0Max Nominal capacity ( at 10mA, +23 C) * -30 C- +60 C Storage temperature (recommended ) +30 C Max Weight 43g 34.0Max Unit: mm Note: *1 At 10mA discharge current to 4.0V cut-off, +23 C. The capacity restored by the cell varies according to current drain, temperature and cut-off. *2 The readings may vary according to the pulse characteristics, the temperature, and the cell`s previous history. *3 Operation above ambient temperature range may lead to reduced capacity and lower voltage readings at the beginning of pulses. Consult EEMB. 2 MAIN FEATURES Best suit for high current discharge for both continuous and pulse current. Light Weiht, High Voltage and High Energy Density. Excellent Stable Discharge Characteristics and Outstanding Temperature Characteristics. Excellent Leakage Resistance and Excellant Long-term Reliability. 3 E L E C TRICA L C H AR A CT E RI S T I CS 2CR5 Typical Pulse Discharge Characteristics 2CR5 Typical Discharge Characteristics vs.Temp Current:45mA 7.2 7.0 900mA 3sec.ON-27sec.OFF 6.0 Voltage(V) Voltage(V) 6.4 5.6 4.8 60 C 5.0 60 C 4.0 23 C 3.0 4.0 -20 C -20 C 23 C 0 0 0 10 20 30 Time(h) 40 0 600 1200 1800 Cycles S piral Structur e Crimp S ea ling Note: Any representations in this brochure concerning performance, are for informational purposes only and are not construed as warranties either expressed or implied, of future performance. Http://eemb.com Global@eemb.com PDF
Документация 2CR5 


Дата модификации: 30.11.-1

Размер: 39.8 Кб

1 стр.

    Товары серии 2CR5

    Наименование i Упаковка
    2CR5 (EEMB)
    Li, MnO2 батарея  номинальным напряжением 6 В ёмкостью 1.3 Ач на поддоне 10 шт