Серия алюминиевых конденсаторов NK

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Документация на серию NK

Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors NK series ‧On the basis of SD series ripple promotion product ‧Suitable for LCD TV Power ,SMPS ‧RoHS Compliance ‧高頻低阻抗,耐高紋波 ‧105℃耐高溫、高紋波、長壽命。 ‧適用於液晶顯示電源及開關電源等 SPECIFICATIONS Items 項 目 Characteristics 特 性 Capacitance Tolerance 靜電容量誤差 ± 20%(120Hz﹐20℃) Operating Temperature Range 適用溫度範圍 - 40 ~ +105℃ Rated Voltage Range 額定電壓範圍 400VDC Leakage Current 洩漏電流 450VDC~500VDC I≦0.03CV +20 (µA) ( After 5 minutes application of DC rated voltage, at 20 ℃) Measurement Frequency:120Hz. Temperature: 20℃ Dissipation Factor 散逸因素( tan δ) 400V 450V 500V tan δ(Max) 0.15 0.18 0.20 When nominal capacitance over 1000µF, tanδ shall be added 0.02 to the listed value with increase of every 1000µF . Measurement Frequency:120Hz Rated Voltage(V) 400 450 500 Z(-25℃) ∕ Z(20℃) 5 6 6 Load Life 負荷壽命 Z(-40℃) ∕ Z(20℃) 10 12 12 The following specifications shall be satisfied when the capacitors are restored to 20℃ after subjected to DC voltage with the rated ripple currrent is applied for 3,000 hours at 105℃. Capacitance Change Within ± 20% of Initial Value Shelf Life 放置壽命 Leakage Current Initial Specified Value or less The following specifications shall be satisfied when the capacitors are restored to 20℃ after exposing them for 1,000hours 105℃ without voltage applied. Before the measurement. Theapacitance shall be preconditioned by applying voltage according to them 4.1 of JIS C5101-4. Capacitance Change Within ± 20% of Initial Value Standards 參照標準 tan δ NK Low Temperature Stability 低溫特性 Impedance Ratio(Max) 阻抗比率(最大值) Rated Voltage(V) 200% or less of Initial Specified Value tan δ 200% or less of Initial Specified Value Leakage Current lnitial Specified Value or less JIS C 5101-4-1(IEC 60384) Frequency Coefficient of Permissible Ripple Current Frequency (Hz) 50 120 1K 10K 100K Coefficient 0.55 0.65 0.80 0.90 1.00 The endurance of capacitors is reduced with internal heating produced by ripple current at the rate of halving the lifetime with every 5℃ rise. when long life performance is required in actual use. The rms ripple current has to be reduced. 163 PDF
Документация на серию NK 

Дата модификации: 11.01.2022

Размер: 1.07 Мб

2 стр.

    Товары серии NK

    Наименование i Упаковка Ёмкость Напряжение Диаметр Высота Ток пульсаций НЧ Размер
    NK400M100F10PKKKS00R (SUSCON)
    8×8×10 мм
    NK400M101K25TKKKS00R (SUSCON)
    18×18×25 мм
    NK400M120F13PKKKS00R (SUSCON)
    8×8×13 мм
    NK400M150F15PKKKS00R (SUSCON)
    8×8×15 мм
    NK400M180F17PKKKS00R (SUSCON)
    8×8×17 мм
    NK400M220F18PKKKS00R (SUSCON)
    8×8×18 мм
    NK400M220G14PKKKS00R (SUSCON)
    10×10×14 мм
    NK400M270G15PKKKS00R (SUSCON)
    10×10×15 мм
    NK400M330G18PKKKS00R (SUSCON)
    10×10×18 мм
    NK400M470I19TKKKS00R (SUSCON)
    13×13×19 мм
    6.3×6.3×12 мм
    NK400M680J20TKKKS00R (SUSCON)
    16×16×20 мм
    6.3×6.3×13 мм
    NK400M820K20TKKKS00R (SUSCON)
    18×18×20 мм
    6.3×6.3×15 мм
    NK450M100F15PKKKS00R (SUSCON)
    8×8×15 мм
    NK450M100G11PKKKS00R (SUSCON)
    10×10×11 мм
    NK450M101K25TKKKS00R (SUSCON)
    18×18×25 мм
    NK450M120G13PKKKS00R (SUSCON)
    10×10×13 мм
    10×10×13.5 мм
    NK450M180G15PKKKS00R (SUSCON)
    10×10×15 мм
    NK450M220G17PKKKS00R (SUSCON)
    10×10×17 мм
    NK450M270G20PKKKS00R (SUSCON)
    100 шт 10×10×20 мм
    NK450M330G35PKKKS00R (SUSCON)
    10×10×35 мм
    NK450M470G45PKKKS00R (SUSCON)
    10×10×45 мм
    6.3×6.3×16 мм
    8×8×10 мм
    NK450M680G50PKKKS00R (SUSCON)
    10×10×50 мм
    10×10×10 мм
    NK450M820J25TKKKS00R (SUSCON)
    16×16×25 мм
    8×8×12 мм
    NK500M100G13PKKKS00R (SUSCON)
    10×10×13 мм
    NK500M120G14PKKKS00R (SUSCON)
    10×10×14 мм
    NK500M150G15PKKKS00R (SUSCON)
    10×10×15 мм
    NK500M180G17PKKKS00R (SUSCON)
    10×10×17 мм
    NK500M220I17PKKKS00R (SUSCON)
    13×13×17 мм
    NK500M270G23PKKKS00R (SUSCON)
    10×10×23 мм
    NK500M330I21TKKKS00R (SUSCON)
    1050 шт 13×13×21 мм
    NK500M470J20TKKKS00R (SUSCON)
    16×16×20 мм
    6.3×6.3×16 мм
    8×8×10 мм
    NK500M680K18TKKKS00R (SUSCON)
    18×18×20 мм
    10×10×10 мм
    NK500M820K25TKKKS00R (SUSCON)
    18×18×25 мм
    10×10×11 мм