
BL8061 250mA Low Consumption Linear Regulator DESCRIPTION FEATURES BL8061 series is a group of positive voltage output, low power consumption, low dropout voltage, three terminal regulator. It can provide 200mA output current when input / output voltage differential drops to 420mV ( Vout= 3.3V), And it also provides foldback shortcircuit protection and output current limit function. The ve...
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  Примечание: Low Power Consumption, Low Dropout Voltage, ±1% accuracy customized, Output current limit, Foldback Short-circuit Current
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BL8061 250mA Low Consumption Linear Regulator DESCRIPTION FEATURES BL8061 series is a group of positive voltage output, low power consumption, low dropout voltage, three terminal regulator. It can provide 200mA output current when input / output voltage differential drops to 420mV ( Vout= 3.3V), And it also provides foldback shortcircuit protection and output current limit function. The very low power consumption of BL8061(Iq=2.0uA)can greatly improve natural life of batteries.    BL8061 can provide output value in the range of 1.1V~5.0V in 0.1V steps. It also can customized on command.      BL8061 includes high accuracy voltage reference, error amplifier, current limit circuit and output driver module. Low Power Consumption:2.0uA(Typ.) Maximum Output Current:250mA Small Dropout Voltage 210mV@100mA (Vout=3.3V) 420mV@200mA (Vout=3.3V) Input Voltage Range:2V~16V Output Voltage Range:1.1V~5.0V (customized on command in 0.1V steps) Highly Accurate:±2%(±1% customized) Output Current Limit 330mA@Vout=3.3V Foldback Short-circuit Current 56mA@Vout=3.3V APPLICATIONS   BL8061 has well load transient response and good temperature characteristic, And it uses trimming technique to guarantee output voltage accuracy within±2%.  TYPICAL APPLICATION Battery Powered equipment Power Management of MP3、PDA、DSC、 Mouse、PS2 Games Reference Voltage Source Regulation after Switching Power ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Vout Voltage vs Load Current Vin Vin Cin Vout LC1218 BL8061 Vout Cout Vout(V) GND NOTE: Input capacitor (Cin=1uF) and Output capacitor (Cout=1uF) are recommended in all application circuit. Ceramic capacitor is recommended. 5.5 5.0 4.5 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0 50 100 150 200 250 Iout(mA) Vout=1.2V Vout=3.3V 1 Vout=2.5V Vout=5.0V 300 PDF
Документация на BL8061CC3TR33 


Дата модификации: 21.02.2013

Размер: 688.1 Кб

10 стр.

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    17 декабря 2024

    Руководство по выбору линейных стабилизаторов: надежные решения от азиатских производителей

    Стабильность напряжения играет ключевую роль в электронике. Линейные стабилизаторы обеспечивают надежную работу устройств, защищают их от перепадов напряжения и поддерживают точные параметры питания. Они находят применение в самых разных областях:... ...читать

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