
DC/DC Converter A_S-2WR2 & B_S-2WR2 series 2W isolated DC-DC with Fixed Input Voltage; unregulated Single or Dual Output FEATURES  High power density  High efficiency up to 86%  Operating ambient temperature -40℃ to +105℃  No external components required  Miniature SIP package  Industry standard pin-out  I/O isolation test voltage 1500 VDC CB Patent Protection RoHS  IEC/UL/EN6095...
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DC/DC Converter A_S-2WR2 & B_S-2WR2 series 2W isolated DC-DC with Fixed Input Voltage; unregulated Single or Dual Output FEATURES  High power density  High efficiency up to 86%  Operating ambient temperature -40℃ to +105℃  No external components required  Miniature SIP package  Industry standard pin-out  I/O isolation test voltage 1500 VDC CB Patent Protection RoHS  IEC/UL/EN60950 approval A_S-2WR2 & B_S-2WR2 series is designed for use in distributed power supply systems and especially suitable in applications such as pure digital circuits, low frequency analog circuits, relay-driven circuits and data switching circuits, where: 1. The voltage of the input power supply is relatively stable with a variation of ±10%Vin or less; 2. An input to output isolation voltage of up to 1500VDC is necessary; 3. The requirement for a tight output regulation is not as strict. Selection Guide Input Voltage (VDC) Certification -- UL/CE/CB (VDC) Current (mA) Max./Min. A0503S-2WR2 ±3.3 ±303/±30 67/71 A0505S-2WR2 ±5 ±200/±20 76/80 A0509S-2WR2 ±9 ±111/±11 80/84 A0512S-2WR2 ±12 ±83/±8 80/84 A0515S-2WR2 ±15 ±67/±7 78/82 ±24 ±42/±4 80/84 A0524S-2WR2 -- UL/CE/CB -- UL/CE/CB -- B0503S-2WR2 -- Nominal Voltage (Range) 5 (4.5-5.5) 3.3 400/40 75/79 B0505S-2WR2 5 400/40 80/84 B0509S-2WR2 9 222/22 75/79 B0512S-2WR2 12 167/17 80/84 B0515S-2WR2 15 133/13 80/84 B0524S-2WR2 24 83/8 80/84 B0905S-2WR2 5 400/40 75/79 12 167/17 79/83 A1205S-2WR2 ±5 ±200/±20 76/80 A1209S-2WR2 ±9 ±111/±11 80/84 A1212S-2WR2 ±12 ±83/±8 80/84 A1215S-2WR2 ±15 ±67/±7 80/84 A1224S-2WR2 ±24 ±42/±4 80/84 3.3 400/40 75/79 B0912S-2WR2 B1203S-2WR2 B1205S-2WR2 UL/CE/CB Output Full Load Efficiency (%) Min./Typ. Part No. 9 (8.1-9.9) 12 (10.8-13.2) 5 400/40 78/82 B1209S-2WR2 9 222/22 77/81 B1212S-2WR2 12 167/17 80/84 B1215S-2WR2 15 133/13 81/85 B1224S-2WR2 24 83/8 82/86 ±5 ±200/±20 76/80 A1505S-2WR2 15 2018.10.20-A/7 Capacitive Load*(µF) Max. 100 220 100 220 100 Page 1 of 6 MORNSUN Guangzhou Science & Technology Co., Ltd. reserves the copyright and right of final interpretation PDF
Документация на серию A_S-2WR2 


Дата модификации: 20.10.2018

Размер: 1.07 Мб

6 стр.

D D  A    !" #$%&' $()*+ ,-/+01&" $3-/0+&' 5 *(6&1*/0+&' dual /single output P0+&(+ P6-+&7+$-( FEATURES C89:;9<8<= =>8?:@B;rcuit protection OEF?G:;9H :FIEF?G:<?F ?G9HFJ @KLć to +105ć ! M;H> FNN;B;F9By <E :8 oQR ! M;H> E8SF? TF9=;:y ! U;9;G:<?F VWX EGBYGHF ! W=8ZG:;89 [8Z:GHFJ \]Q^ _VC ! `8 Fa:F?9GZ B8IE89F9: ?Fb<;?FT ! W9:F?9G:;89GZ =:G9TG?T E;9@8<: ! ! RoHS A_S-2WR2 & B_S-2WR2 series are specially designed for applications where an isolated voltage is required in a distributed power supply system. They are suitable for 1. Where the voltage of the input power supply is stable (voltage variation: ±10%Vin); 2. Where isolation between input and output is necessary (isolation voltage İ1500VDC); 3. Where the output voltage regulation is not strictly required; 4. Typical application: digit circuit condition; normal low-frequency artificial circuit condition; relay drive circuit and data switching circuit condition, etc. cdefg ehihjgkd lmnpqrqstpquv wtnp xuz UL/CE Input Voltage (VDC) Output Efficiency Max. Capacitive (%, Min./Typ.) Load* @ Full Load (!F) Nominal Output Voltage (Range) (VDC) Output Current (mA) (Max./Min.) A0505S-2WR2 ±5 ±200/±20 76/80 A0509S-2WR2 ±9 ±111/±11 80/84 A0512S-2WR2 ±12 ±83/±8 80/84 A0515S-2WR2 ±15 ±67/±7 78/82 A0524S-2WR2 ±24 ±42/±4 80/84 -- B0503S-2WR2 3.3 400/40 75/79 UL/CE B0505S-2WR2 -- B0507S-2WR2 UL/CE -UL/CE -- UL/CE 5 400/40 80/84 7.2 278/28 78/82 B0509S-2WR2 9 222/22 75/79 B0512S-2WR2 12 167/17 80/84 B0515S-2WR2 15 133/13 80/84 B0524S-2WR2 24 83/8 80/84 B0905S-2WR2 5 400/40 75/79 B0912S-2WR2 12 167/17 79/83 ±5 ±200/±20 76/80 A1207S-2WR2 ±7.2 ±139/±14 80/84 A1209S-2WR2 ±9 ±111/±11 80/84 A1212S-2WR2 ±12 ±83/±8 80/84 A1215S-2WR2 ±15 ±67/±7 80/84 ±24 ±42/±4 80/84 3.3 400/40 75/79 5 400/40 78/82 B1203S-2WR2 B1205S-2WR2 UL/CE 9 (8.1-9.9) A1205S-2WR2 A1224S-2WR2 -- 5 (4.5-5.5) 12 (10.8-13.2) B1209S-2WR2 9 222/22 77/81 B1212S-2WR2 12 167/17 80/84 B1215S-2WR2 15 133/13 81/85 B1224S-2WR2 24 83/8 82/86 24.. 100 220 100 220  1 of 6 MORNSUN Guangzhou Science & Technology Co., Ltd. reserves the copyright and right of final interpretation PDF
Документация на B0507S-2WR2 

A_S-2WR2 _ B_S-2WR2_EN.pdf

Дата модификации: 09.03.2015

Размер: 427.2 Кб

6 стр.

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