
DC/DC Parallel Redundancy Module LIR-20 FEATURES          RoHS Input voltage range: 22 - 60VDC Operating ambient temperature range: -40℃ to +80℃ High efficiency up to 97% 1500VAC insulation voltage Two input status indicators, relay contact signal output DC OK function Operating altitude up to 5000m Supporting for N+1 parallel redundancy EN62368 safety approved, safety according to I...
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Тип Наименование Корпус Упаковка i P вых N каналов U вых U вх I вых DIN-рейка IP T раб Особенности Применение Описание Карточка
F~ DRDN20-24 (MW)
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DC/DC Parallel Redundancy Module LIR-20 FEATURES          RoHS Input voltage range: 22 - 60VDC Operating ambient temperature range: -40℃ to +80℃ High efficiency up to 97% 1500VAC insulation voltage Two input status indicators, relay contact signal output DC OK function Operating altitude up to 5000m Supporting for N+1 parallel redundancy EN62368 safety approved, safety according to IEC/UL62368, EN61558, EN60335 LIR-20 is one of Mornsun Din-rail parallel redundancy module. It features wide input voltage range, wide operating temperature, cost-effective, high efficiency and high reliability. It offers excellent EMC performance and meet IEC/EN61000-4, CISPR32/EN55032, IEC/EN/UL62368, EN61558, EN60335 standards and it is widely used in areas of industrial, electricity, security, telecommunications etc. Selection Guide Certification Part No. Voltage Drop Vin-Vo (V/Typ.) Nominal Output Current (A) Efficiency (24/48VDC, %/Typ.) CE LIR-20 0.65 20 97 Input Specifications Item Operating Conditions Input Voltage Range DC input Input Current Range Input Under-voltage Alarm* Input Over-voltage Alarm* The sum of the two input currents is not more than 20A, input current rating of 10A per channel. One input 24V, test another input voltage when triggers the under-voltage alarm (one LED turns off, the relay changes from on to off) One input 48V, test another input voltage when triggers the under-voltage alarm (one LED turns off, the relay changes from on to off) One input 24V, test another input voltage when triggers the over-voltage alarm (one LED turns off, the relay changes from on to off) One input 48V, test another input voltage when triggers the over-voltage alarm (one LED turns off, the relay changes from on to off) Min. Typ. Max. Unit 22 24/48 60 VDC -- -- 20 A -- 18 -- -- 36 -VDC -- 32 -- -- 64 -- Hot Plug Unavailable Note: *LED state: Vin1 triggers the under-voltage alarm, Vin1 LED turns off, Vin2 LED turns on; Vin1 triggers the over-voltage alarm, Vin1 LED turns on, Vin2 LED turns off. Output Specifications Item Operating Conditions Ripple & Noise* DC OK Function Output Power Min. Typ. Max. Unit 20MHz bandwidth (peak-to-peak value) -- 200 -- mV When the two input voltages are normal and the voltage difference does not exceed the over-voltage or under-voltage alarm, the DC OK function is normal (the relay on), the two input LED indicators light on -- -- -- -- 24V/20A -- 480 -- 48V/20A -- 960 -- W Note: *The “Tip and barrel method” is used for ripple and noise test, output parallel 47uF electrolytic capacitor and 0.1uF ceramic capacitor, please refer to AC-DC Converter Application Notes for specific information. 2020.05.29-A/0 Page 1 of 4 MORNSUN Guangzhou Science & Technology Co., Ltd. reserves the copyright and right of final interpretation PDF
Документация на LIR-20 

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Дата модификации: 01.06.2020

Размер: 1.51 Мб

4 стр.

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