
AC/DC Converter LS05-15BxxR3 Series FEATURES 5W, DIY AC/DC converter  Ultra-wide 85 - 418VAC and 100 - 591VDC input voltage range  Accepts AC or DC input (dual-use of same terminal)  Operating ambient temperature range: -40℃ to +85℃       RoHS High I/O isolation test voltage up to 3600VAC Multi application, flexible layout Compact size, high power density, green power Controllabl...
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Выходная мощность (ном)
Напряжение 1 канала
Выходной ток 1 канала
Тип стабилизации
Конструктивное исполнение
Типы защиты
Количество выходов
Тип управления выходом
Напряжение изоляции вход-выход
Размер 27.2×14.73×11 мм
Рабочая температура
Примечание AC-DC Regulated Power Supply Module
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Тип Наименование Корпус Упаковка i P вых Выход U1 I1 Стабилизация Вход Конструктив Возможности Защита Выходов Управление IP U вх AC U вх DC Коэф. мощн. U изол вх-вых U изол вх-земля U изол вых-земля Применение КПД Шум T раб Примечание Карточка
A+ LS05-13B15R3 (MORNSUN)
1 шт КЗ, перегрузка, перенапряжение AC-DC Regulated Power Supply Module
A+ LS05-13B15R3-F (MORNSUN)
AC-DC Regulated Power Supply Module
A+ LS05-26B15R3 (MORNSUN)
AC-DC Regulated Power Supply Module, 1 Output, 5W, Hybrid
A+ LO05-12B15 (MORNSUN)
1 шт AC-DC Regulated Power Supply Module, 1 Output, 5W, Hybrid

Файлы 1

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AC/DC Converter LS05-15BxxR3 Series FEATURES 5W, DIY AC/DC converter  Ultra-wide 85 - 418VAC and 100 - 591VDC input voltage range  Accepts AC or DC input (dual-use of same terminal)  Operating ambient temperature range: -40℃ to +85℃       RoHS High I/O isolation test voltage up to 3600VAC Multi application, flexible layout Compact size, high power density, green power Controllable life and adjustable cost No-load power consumption 0.1W Output short circuit, over-current protection LS05-15BxxR3 series is one of Mornsun’s highly efficient green power AC-DC Converter series. They feature wide input range accepting either AC or DC voltage, high reliability, low power consumption and reinforced isolation. All models are particularly suitable for industrial control, electric power, instrumentation and smart home applications which have high requirement for dimension and don’t have high requirement on EMC. For extremely harsh EMC environment, we recommend using the application circuit show in Design Reference of this datasheet. Selection Guide Output Power Nominal Output Voltage and Current (Vo/Io) Efficiency at 230VAC (%) Typ. Capacitive Load (uF) Max. 9V/560mA 77 680 5W 12V/420mA 79 470 LS05-15B15R3 15V/340mA 79 330 LS05-15B24R3 24V/210mA 81 100 Part No. LS05-15B09R3 LS05-15B12R3 Note: 1. The nominal output voltage refers to the voltage applied to the load terminal after adding external circuits. 2. If the product is used in a severe vibration application, it needs to be glued and fixed. Input Specifications Item Input Voltage Range Input Certified Voltage Range Operating Conditions Min. Typ. Max. AC input 85 -- 418 VAC DC input 100 -- 591 VDC AC input 100 -- 277 VAC DC input 140 -- 390 VDC Hz 47 -- 63 115VAC -- -- 0.2 230VAC -- -- 0.1 115VAC -- 10 -- 230VAC -- 20 -- Input Frequency Input Current Inrush Current Unit A 1A, slow-blow, required (The actual use needs to be selected according to the application enviroment) Recommended External Input Fuse Hot Plug Unavailable Output Specifications Item Operating Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Output Voltage Accuracy 10% - 100% load -- ±5 -- Line Regulation Rated load -- ±1.5 -- Load Regulation 10% - 100% load -- ±3 -- Ripple & Noise* 20MHz bandwidth (peak-to-peak value), 10% - 100% load -- 80 150 mV -- ±0.15 -- %/°C -- 0.10 0.15 W Temperature Coefficient Stand-by Power Consumption 230VAC 2021.11.11-A/1 Unit % Page 1 of 6 MORNSUN Guangzhou Science & Technology Co., Ltd. reserves the copyright and right of final interpretation PDF
Документация на LS05-15B24R3 

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Дата модификации: 25.12.2021

Размер: 1.5 Мб

6 стр.

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