High Performance MCU for an EV/HEV Battery Management System Reference Design

1 января 2018

Texas Instrumentsопорное решениеинтегральные микросхемыисточники питаниядискретные полупроводникисредства разработки и материалы

A system example for an active cell balancing battery management system. The TMS570LS0432 microcontroller commands EMB1402 EVM to monitor the battery cells and perform charge/discharge from one battery cell to an external 12V supply. The user can view the cell status and control cell balancing from a GUI running on the host PC.


The diagnostic features of TMS570LS0432 MCU are enabled to monitor and report TMS570LS0432 status during runtime The TMS570LS0432 MCU configures BQ76PL455A for monitoring cell voltages and checking BQ76PL455A status during runtime The TMS570LS0432 MCU analyzes the data from all cells and generate active cell balancing command The TMS570LS0432 MCU commands EMB1428 for cell balancing and monitor EMB1428 and EMB1499 status during runtime The TMS570LS0432 MCU communicates with host PC via a UART emulated by the NHET module to display the status and control the balancing operation during runtime


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