Серия активных датчиков тока AP15D

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Документация на серию AP15D

Cheemi Technology Co., Ltd DATA SHEET Hall Effect Current Sensor PN: CHB_AP15D50/100/125 IPN=50~200A Feature ● Closed- loop (compensated) current transducer ● Supply voltage: DC ±9~15 V ● Capable measurement of currents: DC, AC,pulse with galvanic isolation between primary circuit and secondary circuit. Advantages ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Very good linearity ● Can be customized High accuracy Easy installation Low temperature drift Optimized response time Low power consumption High immunity to external interference Applications ● ● ● ● ● The application of induction cooker AC/DC variable-speed drive Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS) Switched Mode Power Supplies (SMPS) Inverter applications Electrical data:(Ta=25℃,Vc= ±15VDC) Ref Parmeter Rated input Ipn(A) Measuring range Ip(A) Turns ratio Np/NS (T) Output current rms IS(mA) Secondary coil resistance RS (Ω) CHB25 AP15D25 CHB50 AP15D50 CHB100 AP15D50 CHB125 AP15D125 CHB150 AP15D75 CHB200 AP15D100 25 50 100 125 150 200 0~±75 0~±150 0~±300 0~±375 0~±450 0~±600 1:1000 1:1000 1:2000 1:2000 ±25*IP/IPN ±50*IP/IPN ±50*IP/IPN 30 30 50 1:1000 ±125*IP/IP N 30 1:2000 ±100*IP/IP N 50 Inside resistance RM (Ω) Supply voltage VC(V) Accuracy XG(%) Offset current IOE(mA) Temperature variation of IOE IOT(mA/°C) Linearity error εr(%FS) Di/dt accurately followed(A/µs) Response time tra(µs) ±75*IP/IPN 50 [(VC-0.6V)/(IS*0.001)]-RS @IPN,T=25°C @IP=0,T=25°C @IP=0,-40 ~ +85°C @90% of IPN (±9~±15) ±5% < ±0.5 < ±0.2 < ±0.005 < 0.1 > 100 < 1.0 1 Cheemi Technology Co., Ltd Tel: 025-85996365 E-mail: info@cheemi-tech.com www. cheemi-tech.com Add:N22, Xianlongwan, Xianyin South Road, Qixia District, Nanjing - China. PDF
Документация на серию AP15D 


Дата модификации: 27.10.2022

Размер: 371.3 Кб

2 стр.

    Товары серии AP15D

    Наименование i Упаковка Ток изм.
    CHB100AP15D50 (CHEEMI)
    1 шт
    CHB100LAP15D50 (CHEEMI)
    CHB125AP15D125 (CHEEMI)
    1 шт
    CHB125LAP15D125 (CHEEMI)
    CHB200AP15D100 (CHEEMI)
    на поддоне 10 шт
    CHB200AP15D100S1 (CHEEMI)
    на поддоне 2 шт
    CHB200LAP15D100 (CHEEMI)
    CHB300LAP15D100 (CHEEMI)
    CHB50AP15D50 (CHEEMI)
    на поддоне 2 шт
    CHB50LAP15D50 (CHEEMI)