BL8023F 300mA Bi-Direction Relay Driver DESCRIPTION FEATURES BL8023F is a bi-direction relay driver circuit, used to control the magnetic latching relay, with large output capability, ultra-low power consumption. It can be widely used in smart meters and other pulses, level control applications.    5 to 36V input voltage range Low Power Consumption (IQ<1uA) Input High Level Threshold...
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  Примечание: Input High Level Threshold: 2V, Bi-direction relay driver circuit, used to control the magnetic latching relay, with large output capability, ultra-low power consumption
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Тип Наименование Корпус Упаковка i Тип U пит Pрасс Iвых Примечание T раб Карточка
SOT236 20 шт
Input High Level Threshold: 3V, Bi-direction relay driver circuit, used to control the magnetic latching relay, with large output capability, ultra-low power consumption
F~ BL8023C (CN BELL)
SOP-8 в ленте 2500 шт
Input High Level Threshold: 3V, Bi-direction relay driver circuit, used to control the magnetic latching relay, with large output capability, ultra-low power consumption

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Документация на BL8023FCB6TR 


Дата модификации: 08.06.2016

Размер: 697.6 Кб

6 стр.

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